One thing that parents and teachers of children with autism spectrum disorder are concerned about is their child’s social skills. Hoping that their children will play nicely with peers, some common skills that therapists and teachers usually target at the beginning are turn taking or sharing. However, at AP, we believe that developing social interest […]
Getting your child to sit through the whole meal can be quite a big challenge. Very often at meal times, children walk around and play with their toys; and when parents try to stop them, they throw big tantrums. So how do we get our child to sit through the meals? Here are some strategies […]
According to the data released by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2021, approximately 1 in 44 children are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). With the continuous increase in the prevalence of children with ASD, parents should empower themselves with the knowledge of ASD and the importance of early intervention. […]
About 1 in 33 children has been identified with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), the latest figure according to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced in 2023. Signs of ASD usually begin during early childhood and typically last throughout a person’s life. We are honoured to have the opportunity to interview Dr. Angel […]
Since 1994, Autism Partnership (AP) has been committed to providing quality behavioral treatment for children with ASD. Having conducted over 100 peer reviewed researches and nearly 30 years of clinical works in different countries, we found that with quality early intensive intervention, children with ASD have the potential to make great gains that lead to […]
[:en] This content is only available in Chinese. Please share to let more people learn about ASD and ABA therapy.Facebook: APautismInstagram: autism_partnership_hkLinkedIn: autism-partnership-hk More Articles More About Our ABA Treatment Service [:zh] 根据美国疾病预防控制中心(CDC)于2020年公布的资料表明:大约每44名儿童中就有1名确诊自闭症谱系障碍(ASD)。随着自闭症谱系障碍儿童确诊率的不断攀升,家长应提高对自闭症的认知及早期干预的重视,积极为孩子寻找合适且高效的针对性训练方法。 1. 自闭症的症状/病征 自闭症谱系障碍,是一种广泛及连续性的发展迟缓,每人的严重程度和能力亦不一 。家长如若怀疑您的孩子可能有以下一项或多项症状,应及早带孩子去医院或专业机构咨询评估。 当前视频无法播放,请向管理员反馈 #006 当前视频无法播放,请向管理员反馈 #006 DSM-5的诊断条件 2. 自闭症警号清单 – 1岁半、2岁、3岁 自闭症在不同年龄段的特征亦有所不同,家长可根据不同年龄段儿童相应的发展能力进行初步的自测和判断。 当前视频无法播放,请向管理员反馈 #006 当前视频无法播放,请向管理员反馈 #006 当前视频无法播放,请向管理员反馈 #006 当前视频无法播放,请向管理员反馈 #006 3. […]
Throughout decades, new intervention methods for ASD have emerged one after another, but the effectiveness of these treatments remains controversial. Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is considered by most as the “gold standard” therapy for autism; it is evidence-based, scientifically-proven and has come from decades of scientific research. However, there are still controversy around ABA therapy. […]
[:en]Throughout decades, new intervention methods for ASD have emerged one after another, but the effectiveness of these treatments remains controversial. Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is considered by most as the “gold standard” therapy for autism; it is evidence-based, scientifically-proven and has come from decades of scientific research. However, there are still controversy around ABA therapy.[vc_row][vc_column_text] […]
AP holds the belief that with quality Autism Partnership Method (APM) treatment, individuals with autism should reach their fullest potential and achieve the greatest degree of independence and highest quality of life possible.
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