A Journey through Autism – A Workshop by Parents for Parents

A Journey through Autism Conference – A Workshop by Parents for Parents


Discover the richness of the autism journey through the diverse perspectives of parents, siblings, and individuals with ASD at the ” A Journey through Autism Conference – A Workshop by Parents for Parents.”, where parents and individuals come together to share their invaluable insights and experiences.

Unveiling the Rich Tapestry of Autism

Autism is not a singular narrative but a tapestry woven with the threads of individual experiences, familial bonds, and unique perspectives. In this conference, we invite you to delve into the heart of this intricate tapestry, gaining a profound understanding of the myriad ways autism shapes lives.

Date and Location


Hong Kong: Cantonese/ English (with simultaneous interpretation in English/ Cantonese)
Beijing: Mandarin/ English (with simultaneous interpretation in English/ Mandarin)


IndividualHKD 198/ person
2 or moreHKD 108/ person

Continue Education Units

Organization Professionals Units
The Hong Kong Institute of Speech Therapists Speech Therapists 3.5 CPD-ST
Hong Kong Association of Educational Psychologists Educational Psychologists 6 CEUs
The Hong Kong Psychological Society Ltd The Division of Educational Psychology (DEP) 6 CEUs
The Hong Kong Psychological Society Ltd The Division of Counselling Psychology (DCoP) 5.5 CEUs

A multifaceted exploration of autism experiences will be presented in presentation and panel discussion format, covering topics including:

Opening Remarks by Director of Autism Partnership, Toby Mountjoy
9:30 – 9:33
Session 1: Parents' Perspectives on the Early Years: Red Flags, Concerns in Child Growth, Getting Assessments and Diagnoses, and Searching for Treatments


Lorri Unumb

Maggie Chum


Maggie Chum

Jessica Hui

Carmen Leung

Wallace Lau


When a child is diagnosed with autism, it can feel like the start of a bewildering journey for parents. With limited knowledge about this complex condition, parents are plunged into an emotional rollercoaster – full of love for their child, but also fear and stress.

In this heartfelt and enlightening discussion, we bring together a panel of courageous parents who are generously sharing their deeply personal stories. They will take us through the transformative experience of realizing their child is different, going through the assessment process, and coming to terms with an autism diagnosis.

These parents have been through it all – the sleepless nights spent researching symptoms, the uphill battle to access services, the financial and emotional toll of trying intervention after intervention. Their stories are a testament to a parent’s endless love and determination to do whatever it takes to help their child thrive.

Their unique journeys will provide comfort and inspiration to all families touched by autism. From mainstream interventions to alternative approaches, you will learn each parent’s challenges and successes of finding the treatment for their child.

9:33 – 11:00
Session 2: The Impact of Autism on Family Relationships, Marital Challenges, and Social Connections


Lorri Unumb

Wallace Lau

Mary Beth McNamara


Lorri Unumb

Jill Shen

Jessica Hui

Mr. Tam


The moment a child is diagnosed with autism, life changes in profound ways for the entire family. Parents may suddenly feel isolated from friends and other family member who do not understand what they are going through.

In this intimate and heart-to-heart discussion, parents bravely open their hearts, reflecting on how autism has shaped their family. From changed marital bonds to evolving parenting styles, you’ll find a genuine glimpse into the challenges faced, the lessons learned, and the enduring love that continues to shape these families.


Session 3: The Journey Growing up with a Brother or Sister on the Autism Spectrum





Lorri Unumb


Michelle Tsang


This session offers a panel of siblings sharing their unique experiences of growing up with a brother or sister on the Autism Spectrum. This talk provides an insightful exploration of the emotions, the evolving dynamics of sibling relationships, and the impact that comes with being a supportive and understanding member of a family.


Session 4:  Thriving Beyond the Spectrum: Parental Narratives on Children's Journey, Triumphs and Transformed Lives


Lisa Swanson

Maggie Chum


Maggie Chum

Carmen Li

Carmen Leung

Angel Cham


In this session, a panel of parents will share with you the journey of their children on the autism spectrum. Parents will share the inspiring stories of their children’s highs and lows, their achievements, and the ongoing story of what life looks like now for our incredible families.

Parents will further discuss how their perspectives have evolved, the lessons they’ve learned, and the steps their have taken to enrich their children’s life.


Session 5: In their Own Words: The Perspective from Individuals on the Spectrum


Joshua Lau

Henry Swanson Bell


Nicholas Liu

Listen to the voices of individuals on the spectrum as they discuss the present moment, sharing accomplishments, daily realities, and the goals that move them forward in this empowering discussion!

This session brings together a group of individuals on the spectrum sharing their life narratives, tracing the path from young to the present moment. Each speaker will share about their childhood experiences, unveiling the early moments that shaped their understanding of the world and the discovery of their unique strengths and challenges.

They will also walk into the spotlight to deliver a performance that recognizes their triumph over obstacles and showcase their talents.


Don't miss this extraordinary opportunity to gain holistic insights into the autism journey.

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