APM Educational Project 2022 – Matteo’s Family

Matteo is now 5 years and 2 months old. When Matteo was 7 months old, his mother felt that he was a little different. Mom reported that Matteo has exhibited a variety of behavioural problems while growing up. Currently, mom’s major concerns are Matteo‘s inability to wait, sit down, sustain attention and remain focused in class. Seeing the huge developmental gap in language and social skills between Matteo and his peers made mom even more worried about Matteo’s future.


Parent Sharing – The concerns of their child

Difficulties in Attention Sustaining and Language

Program#1 – Attention

Program#2 – Expressing & Describing

Matteo’s Parents Sharing – Improvement in Matteo’s response, attention and language skills

Matteo’s parent was invited to present her perspective as an educational opportunity for addressing the awareness of ASD and importance of early-intervention. Matteo is a past client of Autism Partnership Hong Kong.

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